What are CDP and how are they related to the value of your Personal Data?
What are CDP and how are they related to the value of your Personal Data?
News 12
Data Never Sleeps 8.0 

The new 2020 8th edition of “Data Never Sleeps” by DOMO summarizes the size, activities, trends and evolution of activities and business in internet.
It is astounding how an infographic can show so much information on users, engagement, channels, companies, media, software & apps, goods & services, market segments, etc. and how meaningful each of its components is when compared and framed with the rest. 
However, it does not include search engines or some of the most relevant names, particularly those that thrive in non-Western countries. These are the ones benefiting the most from the 50% increase in world internet users in 6 years. 

It is also interesting to look at the dynamics of the last 8 years (see 2nd Infographics by Visual Capitalist). How some actors have been able to continue to attract users, how the business model of others has not kept them on the list and how users adapt swiftly to the new services on offer.
Even so, money is the one piece missing from these two infographics. 
In terms of revenue, some of the Internet-based services listed are based on monthly or annual subscriptions, others are based on transactions and purchases, others have freemium business models and others are directly free. 
In terms of their bottom line, some of them have robust business models that generate solid and recurring profits; others have been struggling to find a sound monetisation strategy.

And whilst it would be interesting to compare the overall turnover of these businesses as well as their profits, there is a more relevant figure that should focus our attention.

The missing figure is how much of their overall revenue and profits does not originate from transactions (for example, subscribing to a music service and gaining access to music) but from the processing of the siphoned users' personal information. 

If Facebook earned US$70.9 billion in revenue from its impressive 2.7 billion users, how much of that US$26,25 Average Revenue Per User is based on siphoning users' personal data? Or if we take geographical segmentation, of the US$33.9 billion in revenue earned in the US and Canada from 244.6 million users, how much of that US$138.6 ARPU is based on siphoning and processing users' personal data? 

The debate on the use of personal data in the US is now everywhere and different alternatives are being considered, as we covered in previous entries.

But in Europe things are -for once- more advanced and the GDPR is leading the way and inspiring legislation in many other countries. Still, there is a gap between the law and the day to day use of that law.

"My Data My Gain” initiative aims to close this gap by empowering individuals to directly manage and monetise their Personal Data based on GDPR Purpose Limitation, whereby customers can share on ‘standard data sharing terms’ under GDPR, enabling companies to access 1st party data for a certain purpose over a certain period of time, for a certain price. 
"My Data My Gain” will provide tools to pursue these goals. Soon. 

(info-graphics courtesy of DOMO (link) and  Visual Capitalist (link)